
unusual facts about Leaf shape

Lonicera caprifolium

It can readily be distinguished from Europe's most common species, Lonicera periclymenum, by its topmost leaves which are perfoliate as the Latin name suggests (that is, the stem appears to grow through the centre of the leaf).

see also

Acer pensylvanicum

Other species in the section, such as Acer capillipes, Acer davidii, and Acer rufinerve, all native to eastern Asia, share similar leaf shape and similar vertically striped bark.

Adenanthos × pamela

A bushy shrub intermediate between its parents in habit, leaf shape and flower colour, it is known only from road verges in the Scott River area, where its parent species co-occur.

Sabatia stellaris

The leaves are arranged in opposite pairs, narrow to broad elliptic in shape, with narrow leaves in Florida, and broad leaves in New England; the change in leaf shape is clinal, and cannot be separated into discrete subspecies or varieties.