
2 unusual facts about Lee de Forest

Barkhausen–Kurz tube

After the development by Lee de Forest of the triode vacuum tube in 1906, it was realized that the upper frequency at which the device could be used was limited by the spacing between internal components.

Nikola Tesla Museum

A series of selected letters, placed on both sides of the photograph, witnesses the highest acknowledgements expressed to Tesla by the greatest scientists of his time: Albert Einstein, William Crookes, Lord Kelvin, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Robert A. Millikan, Lee de Forest, Edwin H. Armstrong, Arthur H. Compton, Arthur E. Kennelly, Popov and Pupin.

Abbie Mitchell

Lee De Forest made a short film Songs of Yesteryear (1922) of Mitchell singing, using his DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process.

Concha Piquer

On 15 April 1923, she appeared in a short film, "From Far Seville", made by Lee de Forest in his Phonofilm sound-on-film process, and shown at the Rivoli Theater in New York City.

Elmer T. Cunningham

Based on the West Coast, he was in direct competition with Lee de Forest, a leading manufacturer of triodes sold under the Audion brand.

Flyin' Jenny

The Curtiss JN-4, known as "Jenny," was made by Curtiss in 1915, and it was filmed by Lee De Forest in Flying Jenny Airplane (1921), a short film with the sound of the aircraft.

Renée Houston

It was produced by Lee De Forest, whose process, Phonofilm, enabled a soundtrack to be played alongside the film (a year before The Jazz Singer).

Roy Alexander Weagant

There he invented the first attempts to avoid infringement of Lee De Forest's audion tube, by means of a Fleming valve with filament and plate.

Sammy Fain

In 1923, Fain appeared with Artie Dunn in a short film directed by Lee De Forest filmed in DeForest's Phonofilm sound-on-film process.

see also