
unusual facts about Leftist


Abdullahi Yousuf

Abdullahi Yousuf was active in the leftist Union of Ethiopian Students in Europe, along with Haile Fida.

Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed

The magazine has been open to publishing the primitivists, which has caused leftist critics and academics like Ruth Kinna (editor of Anarchist Studies) to classify the magazine as primitivist, but McQuinn, Jarach and others have published critiques of primitivism there.

André François

François initially worked for French leftist newspapers (Le Nouvel Observateur) and illustrated books by authors such as Jacques Prévert, but gradually reached a larger audience, publishing in leading magazines of the United Kingdom (Punch) and the United States (The New Yorker).

Antisemitism in Europe

One example is the German leftist terrorist group "Revolutionary Cells" whose members participated in hijacking the Air France Flight 139 in 1976 (Operation Entebbe) as well as the planned assassination of the head of the German Jewish community, Heinz Galinski and famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal.


In 1933 statue in memory of miners by leftist sculptor Emanuel Famíra was built in Vranov, only to be demolished by German authorities in 1941.

Brazilian presidential election, 1989

Other artists, like actress Marília Pêra, preferred to support Collor and sustain his discourse, stating that they feared what could happen in Brazil if the leftist union leader Lula was victorious.

British Left

Aside from Labour the biggest leftist parties are the Green Party, Respect and the Socialist Workers Party.

Canadian Dimension

Canadian Dimension is a Canadian leftist magazine founded in 1963 by Cy Gonick, and published out of Winnipeg, Manitoba 6 times a year, with a circulation (as of the 2010 Media kit) of 3,000 copies.

Chinaman, Laundryman

It was performed two more times, once in Philadelphia for the Society of Contemporary Music, and again at the First American Worker’s Music Olympiad for a large audience of leftist workers.

Deepa Sahi

An alumnus of National School of Drama, Delhi, Sahi started off with a theater career, with strong Leftist leanings and social activism a core value of the productions she was involved with.

Finnish People's Democratic League

At its time, SKDL was one of the largest leftist parties in Western Europe, with its main member party, the Communist Party of Finland, being one of the largest communist parties west of the Iron Curtain.

George McGovern in popular culture

Charlie Daniels, in his 1973 country music song narrative, "Uneasy Rider", makes mention of George McGovern as an example of anti-establishment and leftist liberal groups of that era.

Georges Auric

While Auric criticized Satie in the 1920s for joining the French Communist Party, he became associated with several leftist groups and contributed to the communist newspapers Marianne and Paris-Soir in the 1930s.

Grupo Colina

This war, as well as a war launched by the leftist group known as the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement continued into the 1990s, when Alberto Fujimori was elected president.

Irving Louis Horowitz

Early in his career, Horowitz was a student of Leftist sociologist C. Wright Mills, a Texas-born professor at Columbia University whose most significant books include, White Collar, The Power Elite, and The Sociological Imagination.


In these armed struggles, captured samples of Nord SS.10 ATMs by the leftist rebels were sent to China for study.

James Joll

In 1964 he published The Anarchists, which showed his intertwined interests in the culture, events, political philosophy, and individual personalities forming the history of a Leftist movement.

Jamsrangiin Sambuu

Aligning himself with the leftist faction of the party early on, Sambuu supported the purges and executions of both Dogsomyn Bodoo in 1922 and party leader Soliin Danzan in 1924.

Kat Fletcher

Although a long standing member of the Labour paty, she ran on a leftist platform as a member of the Campaign for Free Education (CFE) criticising the NUS proximity to Tony Blair's Labour government, particularly on the issue of tuition fees.

LGBT rights in Jamaica

The conservative National Democratic Movement opposes LGBT rights on religious grounds alongside the more leftist parties such as the Peoples National Party and the New Nation Coalition.

Lorenzo Domínguez

During Primo de Rivera's dictatorship, he frequented two leftist cultural circles ("tertulias"): a scientific and medical group linked to Santiago Ramón y Cajal, winner of the 1906 Nobel Prize for Medicine, and a group of writers and artists associated with the great modernist writer, Ramón del Valle Inclán.

Lydia Stahl

She befriended the Finnish writer Hella Wuolijoki and was a regular visitor to her estate Marleback in Southern Finland, which was a meeting place for leftist intellectuals and politicians.

Mary Christmas

She was also involved in Radical Cheerleaders, a group of leftist activists who cheer in squads at protests.

Max Hudicourt

As Haitian police and the FBI kept close watch on the faltering Haitian leftist movement, Hudicourt continued his political activity from exile in Harlem, New York.

My Father and My Son

Sadık's wife gives birth in a park and dies, but their son, Deniz, possibly named after leftist youth icon Deniz Gezmiş, survives.

Nail Çakırhan

Back in Turkey by divorcing from his Russian first wife in 1937 (he was going to be able to see his son only in 1979), he started working in the leftist newspaper "Tan" and married the well-known and respected Olympics pioneer athlete and archaeologist Halet Çambel.

Nicola Chiaromonte

After moving to New York in 1941, he took on an important role in the leftist anti-Stalinist intellectual scene of the period, writing for The Nation, The New Republic, and Partisan Review.

North American Congress on Latin America

Rubén Zamora, a presidential candidate for the leftist Democratic Convergence in El Salvador, has said that he regards NACLA as responsible for the better part of his political formation and during the darkest part of Haiti's military rule in the early 1990s, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's ambassador-in-exile to the United States, Jean Casimir, wrote to “express his gratitude to NACLA for its unflinching solidarity during this important period of our history.

P. Dayaratna

At the 1970 General Election, Ampara was the citadel of leftist forces and Dayaratne who resigned from government service and contested the Ampara seat, lost to his rival, Somaratne Senarath, a staunch leftist from Ampara.

Presidency of Fidel Castro

Diplomatic ties were reinstalled in 2005 following the election of leftist President Martín Torrijos.

Ralph J. Gleason

Gleason was a contributing editor to Ramparts, a prominent leftist magazine based in San Francisco, but quit after editor Warren Hinckle criticized the city's growing hippie population.

Reform Party of Ontario

The Reform Party of Ontario is not to be confused with the pre-Confederation Reform Party, which later became the Liberal Party of Ontario, or with the leftist United Reform party of the 1940s.

Road of the Revolution Front

Amongst its 152 founding members were many well-known personalities such as political activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah, novelist Ahdaf Soueif, April 6 Youth Movement co-founder Ahmed Maher, labour lawyer Haitham Mohamedain of the Revolutionary Socialists, economist Wael Gamal, leftist activist Wael Khalil and Human Rights lawyer Gamal Eid.

Rod Quantock

Quantock is a strong leftist and was the host of the 1997, 1998 and 2004 Ska-TV Activist awards which were broadcast on community television around Australia.

Rudolf Dulon

In November 1849 he protected the leftist Arnold Ruge, granting him church asylum from an impending arrestation, and organised a further hiding place at Hermann Allmers's, before finding refuge in Brighton.

S. A. Wickramasinghe

The first Leftist to be elected to Ceylon State Council in 1931, he is considered as one of the leading political figures in the twentieth century of Sri Lanka.

Safar Ghahremani

Safar Ghahremani (Persian: سفر قهرمانی) known as Safar Khan (Persian: سفر خان) (born in Azerbaijanregion – died 2002, in Tehran) was an Iranian leftist dissident and a member of (The Tudeh Party) of Iran, who spent several years of his life in prison.

Sulaiman Layeq

One of his sisters was married to Mir Akbar Khyber (a leading leftist ideologue whose murder in 1978 started the Saur Revolution); another sister was married to Sibghatullah Mojaddedi (who would later become President of Afghanistan).

Ted Thackrey

Following the demise of the leftist New York City newspaper PM, published from June 1940 to June 22, 1948, and that paper's first successor, the New York Star, published from June 23, 1948, to January 28, 1949, Ted Thackrey founded The Daily Compass.

Ten Point Program

Ten-Point Program - the initial platform statement of the African-American revolutionary leftist organization Black Panther Party

Totta Näslund

Nationalteatern was one of the many leftist music and theater groups that came together in 1977 to form Tältprojektet, The Tent Project, a musical theater performance on the history of the Swedish working class, which toured the country that summer.

Trudi Le Caine

Born in Passau, Bavaria, she spent her youth in Teplitz-Schönau/Teplice-Šanov, Czechoslovakia before joining her stepfather, Arnold Walter, in Berlin, where he was a music editor and critic for the leftist journals Die Weltbühne and Vorwärts.

Ulrich Kienzle

From 1993 to 2000, he was one of the "combattants" in the weekly ZDF political magazine Frontal, that always featured a controversial debate between the more leftist Kienzle (usually taking the position of the Social Democratic Party of Germany) and the more rightist Bodo H. Hauser (usually taking the position of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany).

Vanguarda Armada Revolucionária Palmares

As historian and former MR-8 militant Daniel Aarão Reis Filho declared to journalist Elio Gaspari, "as part of the radicalization process initiated on 1961, the project of the leftist organizations that supported the armed struggle was revolutionary, abusive and dictatorial (...) There is not even one document of those organizations in which they present themselves as a tool of democratic resistance".

Vladimir Velebit

Accused of having leftist political leanings during his student days he got transferred to Leskovac.

World Burns to Death

The band's lyric sheets contain references to, or quotes from, writer William Shakespeare, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, individualist anarchist Max Stirner, leftist writers Susan Sontag and Herbert Marcuse, political prisoner Stephen Biko, and others.

World Tribunal on Iraq

It counted among its supporters Indian Leftist author Arundhati Roy and United Nations Assistant General Secretary Denis Halliday, though consciously avoids a hierarchical structure.


The station features a mix of music, talk and public affairs programming, almost all with a decidedly liberal or leftist political perspective largely not found on other area media outlets (local or national).

Z Plan

Plan Zeta, an planned coup by the leftist government of Salvador Allende alleged by the soldiers who committed the 1973 Chilean coup d'état

see also