
12 unusual facts about Leisnig

Arktisch-Alpiner Pflanzengarten und Alpine Staudengärtnerei

It is located at OT Gorschmitz 14, Leisnig, Saxony, Germany, and open several days per week in the warmer months, without charge.


With effect from 1 January 2012, it has been incorporated into the town of Leisnig.

Catherine of Brunswick-Lüneburg

Catherine spent time with her husband, but more frequently alone, at Mildenstein Castle in Leisnig, which thereby developed into a private residence of the Saxon Electors.

Dahlen Castle

Later, it was returned to the possession of the Naumburg Stift and in 1367 Bishop Gerhard sold with Strehla, Leisnig, Tiefenau and Elsterwerda to Herzog Polk, Elector of Schweinitz and Margrave of the Lausitz; on his death it returned once again to Naumburg.

Francis Steinmetz

At Leisnig Steinmetz and Larive took a train to Nuremberg where they waited for their next train in a nearby park.

Freiberger Mulde

It runs northwest, crossing the border with Germany after a few km, to Freiberg (hence the name), and further northwest through Nossen, Döbeln and Leisnig.

Friedrich Olbricht

Friedrich Olbricht was born in Leisnig, Saxony on the 4 October 1888; son of Emil Olbricht an educator who had a PhD in Physics and later went on to become a Professor in addition to his doctorate.

Hans Larive

At Leisnig Larive and Steinmetz took a train to Nuremberg where they waited for their next train in a nearby park.

Leipzig Trade Fair

At this time, there were fairs at other Saxon towns like Freiberg, Leisnig, Pegau and Regis as well.

Leipzig–Dresden Railway Company

On 14 May 1866 it opened services on another side line, which branched off the main route in Borsdorf and initially ran as far as Grimma; then on 28 October 1867 to Leisnig, on 2 June 1868 to Döbeln, on 25 October 1868 to Nossen and on 22 December 1868 it was finally extended as far as Meißen, so that a parallel southern route was established between Borsdorf and Coswig.

Margaret of Sicily

The marriage took place in June 1255, the bride receiving Pleissnerland (the towns of Altenburg, Zwickau, Chemnitz and Leisnig) as her dowry.

Walter Fritzsch

In 1940, he transferred to VfL Leisnig and played there until 1943 after which he played for several other clubs including BC Hartha, SC Döbeln and Zwickau-Oberhohndorf.


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