Curiously enough Melanchthon's letter introducing Sozzini to Maximilian II invokes as an historic parallel the hospitable reception rendered by the Emperor Constantine to Athanasius when he fled from Egypt to Trèves.
Fausto Sozzini | Lelio Biscia | Lelio Sozzini | Lelio Lagorio | Lélio | Celso Sozzini |
He married Agnese Petrucci and had seven sons including Celso Sozzini, Lelio Sozzini, and Alessandro Sozzini, who died young, but was father of Fausto Sozzini, became the figurehead of the Unitarian "Socinian" movement in Poland.
As a bookseller and apprentice printer he established a network of Italian connections that helped him act as a go between and publisher of Italian reformed thinkers and writers, such as Vermigli, Pier Paolo Vergerio, Jacopo Aconcio, Bernardino Ochino, Lelio Sozzini, Sebastian Castellio, Celio Secondo Curione, etc.