
unusual facts about Lemaître

Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric

In the face of the observational evidence for the expansion of the universe obtained by Edwin Hubble in the late 1920s, Lemaître's results were noticed in particular by Arthur Eddington, and in 1930–31 his paper was translated into English and published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Albert Lemaître

Albert Lemaître was born (circa 1864) in Ay, Marne, a village outside Épernay, where he worked in partnership with his brother as an exporter in the champagne industry.

On 7 April 1902, during Nice week, Lemaître finished second in the 'Nice – La Turbie mountain race driving a 40 hp Mercedes Simplex during its first competitive event.

Alexander Friedmann

The classic solution of the Einstein field equations that describes a homogeneous and isotropic universe is called the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, or FLRW, after Friedmann, Georges Lemaître, Howard Percy Robertson and Arthur Geoffrey Walker, who worked on the problem in 1920's and 30's independently of Friedmann.

Horizon problem

The horizon problem is a problem with the standard cosmological model of the Big Bang which was identified in the late 1960s, primarily by Charles Misner.


The Kylchap was not the only advanced steam locomotive exhaust: another design, the Lemaître, had some success in France and England; noted Argentinian engineer Livio Dante Porta designed several, the Kylpor, Lempor and Lemprex designs; and several U.S. railroads including the Norfolk & Western used a concentric nozzle known as the waffle iron exhaust.

Lemaître exhaust

The Lemaître exhaust is a type of Steam locomotive exhaust system developed by the Belgian engineer Jean Lemaître.

Maurice Lemaître

Lemaître (23 April 1926), Isidore Isou’s right hand man for nearly half a century, began to distance himself from Lettrism in the 2000s.

Neutrality Act of 1794

The Act was used in the trials of Aaron Burr, William S. Smith and Etienne Guinet, who, with Frenchman Jean Baptist LeMaitre, were convicted of outfitting an armed ship to take part in France's war against Great Britain.

Théâtre des Funambules

Marcel Carné set his 1945 film Les Enfants du Paradis in the Théâtre des Funambules to evoke the atmosphere of the July Monarchy (1830–48), including the figures of Deburau and Lemaître among the main roles.

see also