
2 unusual facts about Lençóis Paulista

Lençóis Paulista

It is home of the largest library in the interior of the State of São Paulo, an institution of higher learning, and a SENAI technical school.

The municipality has a Commercial and Industrial Association, the ACILPA, which develops work in partnership with SEBRAE, SENAI and the municipal government.


The Lençóis Paulista, Botucatu, Itapetininga and Agudos Units, located in the State of São Paulo, were awarded the Green Seal by the Forest Stewardship Council – FSC, and internationally recognized organization which certifies forest management based on preservation and sustainability principles.

see also

Clube Atlético Lençoense/Bariri

It was renamed to Clube Atlético Lençoense/Bariri in 2009, after moving to Bariri due to political problems with the city hall of Lençóis Paulista.