
2 unusual facts about Leopoldstädter Tempel

Edirne Synagogue

The synagogue was built in 1907 by the architectural model of Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna.

Vercelli Synagogue

The Moorish Revival synagogue features red-and-white masonry courses and a flat, tripartite facade with a raised central portion, that resembles a number of other European and American synagogues with designs inspired by Vienna's Leopoldstädter Tempel, by architect Ludwig Foerster.

Sofia Synagogue

Constructed for the needs of the Bulgarian capital Sofia's mainly Sephardic Jewish community after a project by the Austrian architect Friedrich Grünanger, it resembles the old Moorish Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna and was officially opened on 9 September 1909 in the presence of Tsar Ferdinand I of Bulgaria.

see also