
18 unusual facts about Lernaean Hydra

Anti-Partisan Guerrilla Warfare Badge

The sword's handle has a sun wheel swastika, with the blade plunged into the "Hydra", whose five heads represent the partisans.

Bicho de Sete Cabeças

This is a reference to the Hydra from Greek mythology, a notoriously tough beast to slay.

Cave of Echoes

Like the "clip movie" Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur, the fight with the hydra in Hercules and the Amazon Women would not be remembered by Iolaus because Hercules had Zeus turn back time.

Ceryneian Hind

Eurystheus and Hera were greatly angered to find that Heracles had managed to escape from the claws of the Nemean Lion and the fangs of the Lernaean Hydra, and so decided to spend more time thinking up a third task that would spell doom for the hero.

Crypt Killer

Such bosses include Medusa, a large Pharaoh's head, a flying Sphinx, a Hindu God statue, a giant fire-breathing winged-rock monster and a Hydra.

Garden Museum

On the east side of the tomb is carved the family arms, on the west side a skull and a seven-headed hydra, on the south side broken columns, Corinthian capitals, a pyramid and ruins, and on the north side shells, a crocodile, and a view of some Egyptian buildings.


He pursued Heracles at the River Anthemus but fell victim to an arrow that had been dipped in the venomous blood of the Lernaean Hydra, shot so forcefully by Heracles that it pierced Geryon's forehead, "and Geryon bent his neck over to one side, like a poppy that spoils its delicate shapes, shedding its petals all at once".

Goodstein's theorem

Laurie Kirby and Jeff Paris gave an interpretation of the Goodstein's theorem as a hydra game: the "Hydra" is a rooted tree, and a move consists of cutting off one of its "heads" (a branch of the tree), to which the hydra responds by growing a finite number of new heads according to certain rules.

Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur

They begin talking about their adventures and the time when they had to fight the Lernaean Hydra that Hera had sent to kill them.


The quiet Amyclaeans were struck by the cursed and numerous forces of the swamp, unstoppable beings such as the monstrous serpent with nine heads, the Lernaean Hydra, which attacked from the swamps with poisonous venom, and whose heads would re-grow as quickly as Hercules could slice them off with his sword.

Jegenstorf Castle

In the first upper story, the so-called Herkulessaal (Hercules hall) is decorated with a statue of Hercules battling the Hydra from the 17th century.


Lernaean Hydra, an ancient nameless serpent-like chthonic water beast that possessed numerous heads

Nightmare Academy: Monster Revenge

They realize the Guardian has been poisoned, and that the only cure is the milk from a female Hydra.

Pride Comes Before a Brawl

While hiding out in the cave a Hydra appears, Hercules runs to help his friend, but Nemesis stops him saying, "Only Iolaus can redeem himself".

Pursuit of the Deadly Diamonds

The gang was likened to a hydra, and so far, the police only managed to get hold of the lowly footpads but had no inkling about the mastermind.

Red Terror

The first official announcement of Red Terror, published in Izvestiya, "Appeal to the Working Class" on 3 September 1918 called for the workers to "crush the hydra of counterrevolution with massive terror! ... anyone who dares to spread the slightest rumor against the Soviet regime will be arrested immediately and sent to concentration camp".

Ruins of St. Paul's

The carvings include Jesuit images with Oriental themes, such as a woman stepping on a seven-headed hydra, described by Chinese characters as 'Holy Mother tramples the heads of the dragon'.


In a Greek myth is mentioned that Heracles had jumped into the river in an attempt to wash off the Hydra poison infused in the cloak that he could not take off.


Each of the eight dragon races (Great, Mystic, Hydra, Wyvern, Basilisk, Wyrm, Feathered serpent, Bipedal) starts with a set number of creation points to spend on basic statistics, armor, weapons and other powers.

Château d'Assier

The external and interior decoration is typical of the French Renaissance style, with Classical orders (ionic, doric, Corinthian), scenes from the legend of Hercules, such as the Lernaean Hydra and the Nemean lion, as well as more personal motifs, such as the cannons, swords, the collar of the Order of Saint Michael.

Hellboy: The Troll Witch and Others

In the story Hellboy travels to Alaska in 1961, where he finds not only the grave of the recently deceased Hercules (who lived out the final years of his life in anonymity as a school janitor) but a monstrous hydra.