Since the plant was to be in the future Soviet zone of occupation and the Russian troops would get there before the Allies, General Leslie Groves, commander of the Manhattan Project, recommended to General George Marshall that the plant be destroyed by aerial bombardment, in order to deny its uranium production equipment to the Russians.
By the spring of 1943, convinced that the Germans might be ahead, General Leslie Groves decided to skip the scheduled pilot plant: procedures for alpha operation at Oak Ridge came from the XA and a scale model of the production magnet alone.
At the time of the preparations for the test on 16 July 1945 Oppenheimer reportedly was reading Holy Sonnets. In 1962, Lieutenant General Leslie Groves (1896–1970) wrote to Oppenheimer about the origin of the name, asking if he had chosen it because it was a name common to rivers and peaks in the West and would not attract attention.
The house is believed to have been used as headquarters for local project operations and living quarters for General Leslie Groves until the Army completed construction of new administration buildings.
While he maintained that he did not divulge any nuclear secrets to his previous boss (although he had discussed patent rights), Halban was not allowed to work or to leave North America for a year, by General Groves, head of the Manhattan Project.
The initial proposed name for the development of the atomic bomb was "Laboratory for the Development of Substitute Materials." Fearing the name would draw undue attention General Leslie Groves changed it to the "Manhattan Engineer District" which was eventually shortened to the Manhattan Project.
Leslie Charteris | Leslie Grantham | Leslie Nielsen | Leslie Uggams | Leslie Phillips | Leslie Howard | Leslie West | Leslie Stuart | Leslie Howard (actor) | Leslie | Frank Leslie | Leslie Groves | Leslie Frost | Leslie Cheung | Leslie Marmon Silko | Leslie Fiedler | Leslie Ash | Lisa Leslie | Leslie Stephen | Leslie Caron | Leslie Bibb | Charles Robert Leslie | Leslie Van Gelder | Leslie speaker | Leslie Norris | Leslie Knope | Leslie Halliwell | Leslie Fuller | Leslie Bradley | Walter Leslie Wilmshurst |
A wood-framed building, similar to many other World War II period “H-plan” buildings, it served as guest quarters to a number of dignitaries during the top-secret Manhattan Project, including Enrico Fermi, Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves.
There he met or worked with various illuminaries in the Manhattan Project, such as Robert B. Brode, Norman Ramsey, Niels Bohr, Enrico Fermi, Edward Doll, and General Leslie Groves.
Published near the beginning of the Cold War, "The Pacifist" satirizes the military-industrial complex (although the term would not come into wide use for another five years.) The involvement of civilian scientists in military projects was familiar to the reading public, notably the involvement of J. Robert Oppenheimer's team of nuclear scientists in the Manhattan Project, under the military leadership of General Leslie Groves.