
3 unusual facts about Lesser Flamingo

Jayakwadi Dam

Notable amongst migratory birds are Cranes, Flamingos, Pintails, Wigeon, Shoveller, Brahmany Duck, Pochards, Teals, God Wit, Shauces, Glossy Ibis, etc.

Lesser Flamingo

The population in the two key east African lakes, Nakuru and Bogoria, have been adversely affected in recent years by suspected heavy metal poisoning, while its primary African breeding area in Lake Natron is currently under threat by a proposed soda ash plant by Tata Chemicals.


Lesser Flamingoes from other parts of India come to these mangroves to breed.

Kamfers Dam

The dam harbours high concentrations of blue-green algae (Spirulina spp) and diatoms (Cyclotella spp.), the main food sources for its plentiful Lesser Flamingos.

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