
6 unusual facts about Lester Wunderman

Direct marketing

In 1967, Lester Wunderman identified, named, and defined the term "direct marketing".

Lester Wunderman

Fifty of his photographs of his Dogon art are part of the permanent collection of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and thirteen other museums.

An avid art collector, he has donated nearly 300 works of Dogon artifacts to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the balance of his Dogon collection to the Musée de l'Homme in Paris, France.

Wunderman brought engineers to Mali to help the Dogon people build water catchments and instruct them in water purification.

WR&K (later acquired by Young & Rubicam and eventually called Wunderman) was responsible for developing and/or promoting the Columbia Record Club, the 1-800 toll-free number for businesses (developed for a Toyota campaign), the magazine subscription card, and the postal ZIP code system.

Loyalty marketing

In 1967 Lester Wunderman identified, named, and defined "direct marketing".

see also