Reissued in 1998, the book combines Dietz's words with Kosti Ruohomaa's (1914-1961) black and white photographs of ordinary rural and fishing industry Mainers.
Other books included The Story of Boothbay (1937), Camden Hills. An Informal History of the Camden-Rockport Region (1947), The Allagash, (1968, 1978, 2001), originally published as part of the Rivers of America Series); Touch of Wildness A Maine Woods Journal (1970); Pines for the King's Navy, (1955), concerning the struggle among settlers, Indians, and the British king for Maine's timber, and Full Fathom Five (1958), illustrated by his wife, the artist Denny Winter.
Lew Wallace | Lew Grade | Lew Ayres | Steven Dietz | Lew Tabackin | Lew Irwin | Lew Hoad | Lew Brown | Jack Lew | Dietz | David Dietz | William Henry Dietz | Lew Stone | Lew Pollack | Lew Christensen | Lew Burdette | Richard Beebe in the original line-up of '''Lew Irwin and The Credibility Gap''' (left to right): John Gilliland | Park Dietz | Lew Perkins | LEW Hennigsdorf | Lew Hayman | Lew Dockstader | Lew Cody | Elizabeth Van Lew | Dick Dietz | River Lew | Peter Lew | Michael Lew | Lucky Lew | Lew Worsham |