Louis A. "Lew" Phelan (March, 1864 – November 2, 1933) was a manager in Major League Baseball in the 1895 season, with the St. Louis Browns.
Lew Wallace | Lew Grade | Lew Ayres | James D. Phelan | Lew Tabackin | Lew Irwin | Lew Hoad | Lew Brown | Jack Lew | Ryan Phelan | Lew Stone | Lew Pollack | Lew Christensen | Lew Burdette | Terry Phelan | Richard Beebe in the original line-up of '''Lew Irwin and The Credibility Gap''' (left to right): John Gilliland | Phelan | Lew Perkins | LEW Hennigsdorf | Lew Hayman | Lew Dockstader | Lew Cody | James Phelan | Jacquie Phelan | Elizabeth Van Lew | River Lew | Peter Lew | Nancy Phelan | Michael L. Phelan | Michael Lew |