
6 unusual facts about Lewis Bayly

Definitions of Puritanism

Hall gives also the example of The Practice of Piety, by Lewis Bayly, as representative, and influential on Pietism.

John Angier

By the interest of Cotton he was ordained by Lewis Bayly, bishop of Bangor, but without subscription; and he remained a nonconformist to the Anglican ceremonies to the end of his days.

Lewis Bayly

The Hungarian translation was by the puritan pastor and theologian Pál Medgyesi, first published in Debrecen in 1636.

Philip Chetwinde

Like virtually all the publishers of his time and place, Chetwinde produced an abundant supply of religious works; Bishop Bayly's The Practice of Piety, which Chetwinde issued in multiple editions, is only one example.

Philipp Spener

Highly influenced by Johann Arndt, Lewis Bayly, Jean de Labadie, and Theophil Großgebauer, Spener’s own writings display an emphasis on personal transformation through spiritual rebirth and renewal.

Rowland Heylyn

Other works he saw into print were the Welsh-Latin dictionary of John Davies, and the Practice of Piety of Lewis Bayly in the translation by Rowland Vaughan.

see also