
2 unusual facts about Liberty and Property Defence League

George Bramwell, 1st Baron Bramwell

At all times Lord Bramwell had been fond of controversy and controversial writing, and he wrote constant letters to The Times over the signature B. (he also signed himself at different times Bramwell, G. B. and L. L.) He joined in 1882 the Liberty and Property Defence League, and some of his writings after that date took the form of pamphlets published by that society.

Liberty and Property Defence League

A weekly pamphlette put out by the League was called Jus: A Weekly Organ of Individualism, which was edited by individualist anarchist Wordsworth Donisthorpe.

Housing of the Working Classes Act 1885

The Act was criticised by Lord Wemyss and his Liberty and Property Defence League as "class legislation" and Wemyss asked whether the government would now house the police and Foreign Office clerks.

see also