
unusual facts about Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology

Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology

William Laud (1573-1645) edited by William Scott and James Bliss

Catholic theology

Catholic theology is the ongoing academic reflection upon and speculation upon the doctrines of the Catholic Church, both of the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church of the Catholic Church.

Charles Page Eden

His reputation was made by his editions (for the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology) of Peter Gunning on the ‘Paschal or Lent Fast,’ 1845, and of Lancelot Andrewes's ‘Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine,’ 1846; and also an edition of Jeremy Taylor's Works, in 10 vols.

Torbjørn Olsen

He took the diploma degree in Catholic theology at the John-Gutenberg Universität in Mainz in 1991 and was ordained a priest in Tromsø in September 8, 1991 by Bishop Gerhard Goebel.

see also