
unusual facts about Library of Congress Classification:Class V -- Naval Science

Bryce W. Drennan

Upon publication in 1996, the book was the impetus for creation by the United States Library of Congress of a new cataloging classification, Z252.5.D54, which encompasses digital printing and digital printing presses.

San Diego Mesa College

It serves as the campus library (employing the Library of Congress Classification system) and offers study areas and computer labs.

Shen Zhurong

All modern classification schemes were based on the Dewey Decimal System, cataloging rules used the Library of Congress Classification, and the same courses taught in America were often translated directly into Chinese.

The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey

Walker's American division Candlewick Press published a U.S. edition within the calendar year (Library of Congress Classification PZ7.W8183 Ch 1995; ISBN 978-1-56402-320-9).

Walter B. LaBerge

He was educated at the University of Notre Dame, receiving a degree in Naval Science in 1944.

see also