
6 unusual facts about Library of Virginia

Clara Byrd Baker

In 2007, she was honored by the Virginia State Library and Archives as an African American Trailblazer, which recognizes distinguished African Americans from the state of Virginia.

Claudius Crozet

Hundreds of plans and drawings which he oversaw have been retained in the archives of the Library of Virginia.

Earl Gregg Swem

He not only built up the collection of the Virginia State Library in his twelve years there, but also began his work in Virginia bibliography, compiling finding lists and bibliographies of the State Library's books, manuscript materials, and historical records.

Elizabeth B. Lacy

The Library of Virginia honored her as one of the eight Virginia Women in History for 2008.

Elizabeth Hadaway

Elizabeth Hadaway is a poet whose book Fire Baton won the 10th Annual Library of Virginia Literary Award for poetry.

Virginia Governor's Council

The extant written records of the council begin in 1680 and are housed at the Library of Virginia.

Virtual Library of Virginia

Members include all of the 39 state-assisted colleges and universities (the six doctoral degree-granting universities, nine four-year institutions, and 24 community and two-year branch colleges), as well as 34 of the independent (private, nonprofit) institutions and the Library of Virginia.

see also