
4 unusual facts about LibreOffice


As of January 2014, ibus-anthy is mature and stable, and can be used to author Japanese documents in LibreOffice version 4.1 by typing Romaji on a U.S. keyboard into a U.S. English localized LibreOffice installation.


LibreOffice: Collabora Productivity is selling services on top of the office suite.


Munich uses LiMux, an Ubuntu Linux derivative, on nearly all of the city's 15,000 computers.

In June 2013, the government of the Italian province of South Tyrol will be switching 7000 PCs in administration and "many more thousands" PCs in health services using LibreOffice and ODF.


LibreOffice |


The project was successfully completed in late 2013, which involved migrating 15,000 personal computers and laptops of public employees to free and open source software using the Linux distribution "LiMux" (an Ubuntu derivative) as the operating system and LibreOffice as the primary productivity software.

Ojuba Linux

Ojuba 4 doesn't have Zekr Quranic study tool pre-installed or LibreOffice /OpenOffice.org for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, and databases.

see also