
3 unusual facts about Lie Algebra

Curvature of Riemannian manifolds

The curvature of n-dimensional Riemannian manifold is given by an antisymmetric n×n matrix \Omega^{} {}=\Omega^i {\ j} of 2-forms (or equivalently a 2-form with values in so(n), the Lie algebra of the orthogonal group O(n), which is the structure group of the tangent bundle of a Riemannian manifold).


It is equipped to handle certain non-commutative algebras which are extensively used in theoretical high energy physics: Clifford algebras, SU(3) Lie algebras, and Lorentz tensors.

Robert Moody

He is the co-discover of Kac-Moody algebra, a Lie algebra, usually infinite-dimensional, that can be defined through a generalized root system.

Kac–Moody algebra

In mathematics, a Kac–Moody algebra (named for Victor Kac and Robert Moody, who independently discovered them) is a Lie algebra, usually infinite-dimensional, that can be defined by generators and relations through a generalized Cartan matrix.

Particle physics and representation theory

Nevertheless, particles can indeed be neatly divided into groups that form irreducible representations of the Lie algebra SU(3), as first noted by Murray Gell-Mann and independently by Yuval Ne'eman (see the eightfold way).

Ramaiyengar Sridharan

He obtained his Ph. D. from Columbia under the guidance of Samuel Eilenberg in Filtered algebras and Representations of Lie Algebras.

Tan Eng Chye

Tan Eng Chye’s research interests are Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Lie Algebra and Invariant theory and Algebraic combinatorics.

Uniform 2 k1 polytope

In geometry, 2k1 polytope is a uniform polytope in n dimensions (n = k+4) constructed from the Coxeter group.

Uniform k 21 polytope

In geometry, a uniform k21 polytope is a polytope in k + 4 dimensions constructed from the Coxeter group, and having only regular polytope facets.

Verma module

Verma modules, named after Daya-Nand Verma, are objects in the representation theory of Lie algebras, a branch of mathematics.

see also

Lie-* algebra

In mathematics, a Lie-* algebra is a D-module with a Lie* bracket.

Michel Duflo

He introduced the Duflo isomorphism, an isomorphism between the center of the enveloping algebra of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra and the invariants of its symmetric algebra.

Pp-wave spacetime

A more general subclass consists of the axisymmetric pp-waves, which in general have a two dimensional Abelian Lie algebra of Killing vector fields.

Symplectic group

# the normal form (or split form), sp(2n, R), which is the Lie algebra of Sp(2n, R).