
unusual facts about Life span

Life span

Longevity, the average lifespan expected under ideal conditions

see also

Ed Lafitte

Since the pirate Jean Lafitte's life span was c.1776-c.1823, it is not possible that Ed Lafitte was his descendant.


The name Ileogbo comes from an old Yoruba folk tale that the people in this town had a very long life span.

Kálmán Kubinyi

Contributors included Emil Ganso, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Rockwell Kent, Kubinyi and many others during the series' five-year life span.

Leonard P. Guarente

Leonard P. Guarente is an American biologist best known for his research on life span extension in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, round worms Caenorhabditis elegans, and mice.

Main sequence

Since the luminosity gives the amount of energy radiated per unit time, the total life span can be estimated, to first approximation, as the total energy produced divided by the star's luminosity.

Neutron reflector

To obtain a 30 year life span, the SSTAR nuclear reactor design calls for a moveable neutron reflector to be placed over the column of fuel.

Stored energy printer

Hexavalent chrome plating on the pole-piece, combined with careful design, more than doubles speeds and improves life-span.

William Playfair

Two decades before Playfair's first achievements, in 1765 Joseph Priestley had created the innovation of the first timeline charts, in which individual bars were used to visualize the life span of a person, and the whole can be used to compare the life spans of multiple persons.