
unusual facts about Light beam


Because the depth of the pits is approximately one-quarter to one-sixth of the wavelength of the laser light used to read the disc, the reflected beam's phase is shifted in relation to the incoming beam, causing destructive interference and reducing the reflected beam's intensity.

see also

Plasmonic lens

Its intended uses are focusing, imaging, light beam shaping, subwavelength optics, subwavelength light wave guiding, novel optical and magneto-optic data storage, light generation, microscopy, biophotonics, biological molecule sensors, and solar cells, as well as other applications.


It includes the Korsö lighthouse (Korsö torn) designed by architect Carl Hårleman and inaugurated in 1757 as the first lighthouse featuring a moving light beam.


A light modulator developed by J.H. Jeffree in 1934 and known as the Jeffree cell, a cell filled with a transparent fluid which used mechanical oscillations to modulate the light beam passing through it.


Turbine/Stator Rotor (normally incorrectly referred to as a turbine. Actually a rotating vane which spins because of the air flow generated by the subject. The revolutions of the vane are counted as they break a light beam)