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Boniface subsequently (742) elevated Büraburg to a bishopric, the first in Germany east of the Roman Limes, but after the death of the only bishop, Witta, in 748 the bishopric was incorporated by Lullus, Boniface's successor as archbishop of Mainz, into his own diocese.
The watchtower is a reference to the Limes Germanicus, built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117-138), which once ran along the river Main between Kleinwallstadt and the town across the river, Großwallstadt (klein and groß are German for “little” and “great” respectively).
Around 90, units of the XXII was garrisoned in or around the area of modern-day Butzbach, as part of the Limes Germanicus (a series of forts along the Roman frontier of Germania Superior .
Beginning in 1964 a large greenfield housing development was built on the outskirts of Schwalbach am Taunus called Limesstadt (Limes City, named after the Roman fortifications of the Limes Germanicus, which actually lay more than 10 kilometres north of this site).
A craftsmen's settlement at Haarhausen (Amt Wachsenburg) and sacrifices of oxen and offerings at the cemetery in Haßleben indicate influence on the Hermunduri via workers from the region of the Roman Limes.