From 1909 to 1931 Tetens worked at the meteorological observatory in Lindenberg, Germany (south-east of Berlin) as chief-observer.
From 1905 to 1914 he was director of the Prussian Royal Aeronautical Observatory at Lindenberg, and afterwards was an honorary professor at the University of Giessen.
In 1900 he became Hauptobservator at the newly founded Aeronautics Observatory in Berlin-Tegel, and was later stationed at the Lindenberg Aeronautical Observatory in Beeskow.
She has worked alongside visual artists Davida Nemeroff, Victoria Cheong, Aimee Dawn Robinson, Barb Lindenberg and Yuula Benivolski.
Johann Bernhard Wilhelm Lindenberg (September 18, 1781- June 6, 1851) was a German bryologist who worked as a lawyer in Bergedorf (today a burrough of Hamburg).
He studied in Paris with Marcel Ciampi (piano) and Edouard Lindenberg (conducting), and in 1961, following studies with Sergiu Celibidache, he won the Concours International des Jeunes Chefs d'Orchestre in Besançon.