
4 unusual facts about Lindenhof hill

Lindenhof hill

In August 1526, guests coming from St. Gallen were invited by the city councils and all the Guilds of Zurich for a dinner, among them the prominent Zurich cleric, as Ulrich Zwingli, Leo Jud, Konrad Pelikan, Friedrich Myconius and the Kappel abbey's abbot.

In 15 BC, Augustus' stepsons Drusus and Tiberius (later Emperor Tiberius Claudius Nero 14 to 37 AD) integrated the territory on the left side of Lake Zurich into the Roman provinces Raetia and Germania Superior.

Among the prominent historical visitors are Casanova, Goethe, Johannes von Müller, Herzog Charles Augustus, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, Schlegel, Johann Ludwig Uhland, Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner und Brahms.

St. Peter, Zürich

Located next to the Lindenhof hill, site of the former Roman castle, it was built on the site of a temple to Jupiter.


In the Middle Ages, it was a small street within the town of Zürich, leading from St. Peterhofstatt at the St. Peter church, passing the former Augustine monastery below the Lindenhof hill, towards the Kecinstürlin gate at the southern Fröschengraben moat.

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