
3 unusual facts about Lindley Evans

Lindley Evans

Evans wrote some film scores for the developing movie industry: for Charles Chauvel's Uncivilised (1936), Forty Thousand Horsemen (1940) and The Rats of Tobruk (1944); and Ken G. Hall's Tall Timbers (1937).

He is best known for his collaboration with Frank Hutchens in a famous piano duet, which lasted 41 years, and as the ABC's "Mr Melody Man" for 30 years.

For thirty years from 1939, Lindley Evans was featured as "Mr Melody Man" in the ABC Children's Hour and the Argonauts Club'.

St James' Hall, Sydney

With its location and modest size and rent, it was the venue of choice for concerts and recitals by the likes of Brunton Gibb, Ethel Lang, Lindley Evans, Idwal Jenkins and Wilfred Thomas.

see also