
4 unusual facts about Lingala

Chéri Samba

His paintings almost always include text in French and Lingala, commenting on life in Africa and the modern world.

Jean-Paul Lanfranchi

He learned the languages of the countries of Black Africa: the Lingala, the kigwandi, the Tshiluba and Dioula.


In the 19th century, before the creation of the Congo Free State, the Bangala, (literally: 'river people'), were a group of similar Bantu peoples living and trading along the bend of the Congo River that reached from Irebu at the mouth of the Ubangi River to the Mongala River.

In the last two decades of the 19th century, after the forces of Leopold II of Belgium conquered the region and started exploiting it commercially, Bangi came into wider use.


Lingala |

Henri Bowane

Bowane rose to prominence in the late 1940s Leopoldville African music scene, in which Cuban style music combined with Lingala and pan-Congolese styles.

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