
3 unusual facts about Lionello Venturi

Lionello Venturi

After the establishment of the Vichy regime, he emigrated to the United States, living in New York City until 1945 and lecturing at a range of American universities.

Lionello Venturi was influenced by the idealism of Benedetto Croce as well as the writing of Alois Riegl and Heinrich Wölfflin.

The Carracci

Lionello Venturi, L'"eclettismo" e i Carracci: un post-scriptum in «Commentari» n.3, pp.

Emilio Vedova

In 1947 Vedova founded Fronte Nuovo delle Arti,In 1952 he became a member of the influential and more avant garde, Gruppo degli Otto (Afro, Birolli, Corpora, Santomaso, Morlotti, Vedova, Moreni, Turcato), organised by the critic Lionello Venturi.

see also