Liquidity risk is mitigated because individual bonds can be sold if the need arises.
Market liquidity | risk management | Risk | Governance, risk management, and compliance | Credit risk | risk | National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council | Risk Management | Operational risk | Altegrity Risk International | Run the Risk | National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) | High Risk Books | War Risk Insurance Act | Terrorism Risk Insurance Act | Risk/Reward | Risk reduction | Risk (Paul Brandt album) | Risk-based testing | Risk-Aware Consensual Kink | Risk-aware consensual kink | Risk (2007 film) | Market risk | market risk | Liquidity risk | Humor Risk | credit risk | Chief risk officer | Buildings at Risk Register for Scotland | Acceptable Risk |
He was the winner of the 2011 Bernacer Prize to the best European economist under the age of 40 for his original research contributions on how the interaction between market liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk can create liquidity spirals and systemic financial crises.