
3 unusual facts about Lisa Morpurgo

Lisa Morpurgo

Thanks to her thorough study of this new form of knowledge she had been able to sketch the zodiacal map of some of her remarkable friends - mostly writers, such as Eugenio Montale, Dino Buzzati, Guido Piovene, Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa - an interesting work that considerably improved her knowledge and urged her to unveil the reasons why zodiacal mechanisms seemed to effectively work.

Lisa Morpurgo Dordoni (Soncino (CR), 19 May 1923 - Milan, 9 May 1998) was a writer and astrologer.

Lisa was first intrigued by astrology while translating the French book " Lo Zodiaco - Segreti e sortilegi " by François-Régis Bastide

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