
3 unusual facts about Lisbon Regicide

Lisbon Regicide

The Minister of the Navy and Overseas Territories, Henrique de Barros Gomes, conspired with German diplomats to expand colonial territory and create "a new Brazil in Africa".

The writings of Léon Gambetta (a proponent of opportunistic republicanism) and socialist leader Jean Jaurès were read and admired by students at the University of Coimbra.

The process was in vain; after the proclamation of the Portuguese Republic, judges Juiz Almeida and Azevedo delivered their report to José Barbosa (their superior).

Manuel Buíça

Manuel dos Reis da Silva Buíça (30 December 1876 — 1 February 1908) was a Portuguese schoolteacher, former cavalry Sergeant, and excellent marksman involved with Alfredo Costa in the regicide of King Carlos I of Portugal and the Prince Royal, Luis Filipe, during the events that became known as the 1908 Lisbon Regicide (on February 1, 1908).

see also