
unusual facts about Little Ice Age

Little Ice Age

The Siple Dome (SD) has a climate event with an onset time that is coincident with that of the LIA in the North Atlantic based on a correlation with the GISP2 record.

Annie Scott Dill Maunder

The investigations of the Maunders demonstrated a correlation between the variation in sunspot numbers and the climate of the Earth, leading to the discovery that the period of decreased solar activity during the Maunder Minimum likely resulted in the Little Ice Age.

Knife Point Glacier

Along with other glaciers in the Wind River Range, Knife Point Glacier's rapid retreat since the end of the Little Ice Age in 1850 has exposed the remains of numerous specimens of the now believed to be extinct Rocky Mountain locust (Melanoplus spretus) and other related species.

Luddington, North Lincolnshire

Climate change during the Little Ice Age saw the advance of marshlands, the dying of woodlands (which became bog oak) and the reduction of pasture.


This corresponds to the cold period known as the Little Ice Age, for which there is ample historical evidence of wolves infesting much of the Bavarian Alps.

see also

Temperature record of the past 1000 years

When the IPCC TAR was still in draft, Fred Singer held a press event saying "We don't accept this" with Wibjörn Karlén who alleged that MBH99 showed neither a Medieval Warm Period nor a Little Ice Age, an inaccurate claim echoed soon afterwards by John Lawrence Daly.