The Santa Monica, CA based company, founded by principals Gail Berman and Lloyd Braun in 2007, has established partnerships with a number of media companies throughout the industry, including NBC Universal Television, AOL, YouTube, Starcom Mediavest and Microsoft.
Prior to becoming a television executive, Braun practiced entertainment law for 10 years, representing several high profile clients such as Larry David, Howard Stern and David Chase.
Andrew Lloyd Webber | Frank Lloyd Wright | David Lloyd George | Lloyd Kaufman | Wernher von Braun | Lloyd's of London | Julian Lloyd Webber | Christopher Lloyd | Harold Lloyd | William Lloyd Garrison | Lloyd Alexander | Marie Lloyd | Lloyd | Lloyd Richards | John Lloyd Cruz | Lloyd's Register | Eva Braun | Curtis Gates Lloyd | Lloyd Cole | Lloyd's | Otto Braun | Lloyd Stearman | Lloyd (singer) | Hugh Pughe Lloyd | Hugh Lloyd | Hapag-Lloyd | Clive Lloyd | Matthew Lloyd | Lloyd Moseby | Lloyd George Avenue |