Logistic map, a nonlinear recurrence relation that plays a prominent role in chaos theory
Logistic regression, a regression technique that transforms the dependent variable using the logistic function
Schrödinger equation | Royal Logistic Corps | Nernst equation | Monge–Ampère equation | Boltzmann equation | Diophantine equation | Ordinary differential equation | ordinary differential equation | Logistic map | Young–Laplace equation | Wave equation | wave equation | Vlasov equation | Tirana Logistic Park | Tirana logistic park | Tait equation | Smoluchowski coagulation equation | Sauerbrey equation | Redlich–Kwong equation of state | Ramanujan–Nagell equation | Quadratic equation | Prony equation | Pell's equation | Mathieu's equation | Marchenko equation | Majorana's equation | Logistic regression | logistic regression | logistic map | logistic function |
Although the continuous-time logistic equation is often compared to the logistic map because of similarity of form, it is actually more closely related to the Beverton–Holt model of fisheries recruitment.