
3 unusual facts about London Rollergirls

London Rollergirls

The London Rollergirls have an all-star travel team called London Brawling, whose name is inspired by the song London Calling by U.K. punk rock band The Clash.

The London Rollergirls won the British Airways Great Britons competition in Winter 2009 - providing them free tickets on BA to fly to the East coast of the US in April 2010 to train with and play some of the top leagues in the US.

The London Rollergirls held their first British inter-league bout in March 2008 against the Glasgow Rollergirls' travel team, The Irn Bruisers, and their first international bout in June 2008 against Team Canada, a Canadian team made up of members from Toronto Roller Derby, Oil City Derby Girls (Edmonton), Terminal City Roller Girls (Vancouver), Calgary Roller Derby Association, and Saskatoon Roller Derby.

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