
2 unusual facts about Long Walk of the Navajo

Long Walk of the Navajo

They include the murder of a personal servant of Major Brooks, commander of Fort Defiance, by an arrow in the back on July 12, 1858 for the slaughter of the Navajo livestock on the grazing grounds.

Carleton gave the orders to Kit Carson to proceed to Navajo territory and to receive the Navajo surrender on July 20, 1863.

Ganado, Arizona

The first name for the settlement was probably Pueblo Colorado, but when Don Lorenzo Hubbell (Nov 27, 1853 - November 12, 1930) purchased the post in 1876, he changed the name to Ganado in honor of Ganado Mucho, the last Navajo peace chief and the twelfth signer of the Navajo peace treaty of 1868.

see also