Based on both the novel and film versions of Lilies of the Field, it tells the story of a group of German nuns, headed by a determined, dauntless Mother Superior, who manage to get an African American itinerant handyman/jack-of-all-trades named Homer Smith to build a chapel for the New Mexico community in which they live, despite not having money to pay him.
Not Since Carrie: Forty Years of Broadway Musical Flops by Ken Mandelbaum, published by St. Martin's Press (1991), pages 29–31 (ISBN 0-312-06428-4)
water lilies | Water Lilies | Lilies (play) | Lilies of the Field (novel) | Lilies of the Field | Lilies | lilies | White Lilies Island | Water Lilies (film) | List of women's wrestling promotions in the United States#Delta Tiger Lilies | Lilies of the Field (1963 film) |