
4 unusual facts about Loosdorf


Around 1574 Hans Wilhem of Losenstein, who lived on the nearby castle Schallaburg, opened a school in Loosdorf, called 'die Hohe Schule' ('the High School').

Wladimir Ledóchowski (1868–1942), the 26th general of the Jesuits (from 1915 until 1942)

One of its historical buildings is the Hohe Schule (translation: the high school), the first school in Central Europe with a written curriculum, founded in 1574 by the Austrian nobleman Hans Wilhelm von Losenstein (translated: "John William of Losenstein"), the lord of the nearby castle Schallaburg.

Then followed Julia (later as nun called Ursula), then Wlodimir, Mary, Ernestine, Frances and Ignatius.

Stoličná hora

To the north, the hill is bounded by the Lauben Gorge in which the Loubsky potok, coming from the direction of Ludvíkovice (Loosdorf), flows down into the Elbe.

see also