
2 unusual facts about Los Angeles County Bar Association

Los Angeles County Bar Association

During LACBA's ceremony commemorating its 100th year in 1978, United States president Jimmy Carter gave a speech at a luncheon.

Andrew Glassell founded the city of Orange, California, John Dustin Bicknell founded the California cities of Monrovia and Azusa, John D. Works was a U.S. Senator from California, Grant Cooper defended Sirhan Sirhan in his defense trial, and Warren Christopher served under president William Clinton as his Secretary of State.

see also

Margaret M. Morrow

She has received numerous awards, including the Bernard E. Witkin Amicus Curiae Award from the Judicial Council of California; the Shattuck-Price Award from the Los Angeles County Bar Association; the Ernestine Stahlhut Award from the Women Lawyers’ Association of Los Angeles, and the Maynard Toll Award from the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.