Unlike such Confederate officers as Jubal Early and William Pendleton, Alexander eschewed the bitter Lost Cause theories of why the South was doomed to fail, given the overwhelming superiority of the North.
Just before his death, however, his opinion changed about the lost cause movement, and he began speaking out about Longstreet's failures at Gettysburg.
According to University of Georgia historian Ann E. Marshall, she was a "tireless advocate of the 'Lost Cause' version of southern history" (referring to the Lost Cause of the Confederacy).
Lost | Lost (TV series) | Paradise Lost | Lost in Space | Raiders of the Lost Ark | Confederacy | lost | lost film | In Search of Lost Time | A Confederacy of Dunces | The Lost World | Home Alone 2: Lost in New York | White House of the Confederacy | Love's Labour's Lost | Lost Boys of Sudan | Land of the Lost | The Lost Boys | Old Swiss Confederacy | The Lost World: Jurassic Park | Museum of the Confederacy | Lost Highway | Lost (2004 TV series) | Land of the Lost (1974 TV series) | The Lost Cabin and the Mystery Trees | Ten Lost Tribes | Lost Your Shot | Lost in Yonkers | Lost Dogs | Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco | United Daughters of the Confederacy |