
3 unusual facts about Lothario


An allusion is made to Lothario in William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! when referring to Charles Bon, the proclaimed ladies-man and woman-seducer who is about to marry a woman while already being married.

The Frank Sinatra song "Man in the Looking Glass" contains these lines: Where's our young Romeo, the lad who used to sigh?

Lutz Eigendorf

Her new husband was eventually revealed as a Lothario – an agent of the state police whose role it was to spy on a suspect while romancing them.


Lothario | lothario |

Sweet Liberty

Michael's book is being converted into a steamy tale of lust and betrayal with two movie stars, the egotistical lothario Elliott James (Michael Caine) and the seemingly sweet Method actress Faith Healy (Michelle Pfeiffer).

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