Having made a name in California, in 1863 Lotta left to tour the east coast where she began acting in plays such as The Old Curiosity Shop, Uncle Tom's Cabin and Little Nell and the Marchioness.
Whole Lotta Love | Shirley Crabtree | Robert H. Crabtree | Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On | Lotta Hedlund | Lotta Crabtree | Jimmy Crabtree | William Crabtree | Whole Lotta Sole | Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On | Whole Lotta Rosie | Tom Crabtree | Shirley "Big Daddy" Crabtree | Lotta Svärd | Lotta Lundgren | Lake Crabtree | Jack Crabtree | Crabtree & Evelyn | Crabtree | Alessandro Lotta |
Several notable people stayed at the hotel including “Gentleman Jim” Corbett, Lotta Crabtree, Bob Fitzsimmons, Bret Harte, Jack London, Lola Montez, Emma Nevada, Mark Twain, and five US Presidents: Grover Cleveland, James Garfield, Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison, and Herbert Hoover.
Its tenants included artists and writers of all kind and it also hosted many illustrious visitors, among them Jack London, George Sterling, Lola Montez, Lotta Crabtree, Gelett Burgess, Maynard Dixon, Frank Norris, Ambrose Bierce, Bret Harte, the Booths and Mark Twain.