
2 unusual facts about Lotus corniculatus

Bacon and eggs

:or Bird's foot trefoil, a variety of Lotus: see Lotus (genus) or Lotus corniculatus


cowslips and salad burnet flower in the spring, followed in summer to the customary flowers of traditional hay meadow: lady's bedstraw and birdsfoot trefoil.

Cerastis rubricosa

The larvae feed on the leaves of various plants, including Luzula, Gymnadenia conopsea, Lotus corniculatus, Veronica chamaedrys, Rhinenthus alectorolophus and Orchidaceae species.

Dicallomera fascelina

The larvae feed on various herbaceous plants, such as Cytisus scoparius, Crataegus monogyna, Rubus fruticosus, Calluna vulgaris, Onobrychis viciifolia, Salvia pratensis and Lotus corniculatus

Odin Mine

The remaining spoil heaps are a protected archaeological site and support a wide variety of plants including Birdsfoot Trefoil, Eyebright, Wild thyme and the Common spotted orchid.

Trifurcula silviae

Adults were collected in an alpine meadow on a steep southern slope, where Lotus corniculatus, Anthyllis vulneraria and Onobrychis montana are the most likely candidates to be its host.

see also