
unusual facts about Louis Alexandre Berthier

Charles Edward Jennings de Kilmaine

Among the former were Kilmaine, Berthier, Marescat, Kleber, Massena, Macdonald, Ney, Victor, and others whose names were to become famous in future wars as the marshal dukes of the great military empire.

La Semaine Sainte

Many of the characters have flashbacks, and even flashforwards (such as that which details the mysterious death by defenestration of Marshal Berthier in June 1815), that are introduced suddenly, without warning or introduction.

see also

Princes of Wagram

After Louis Alexandre Berthier, the inheritors of the dual title (duc de Valengin) are most often referred to as "Prince de Wagram." Each of them lived at Château de Grosbois, a large estate in Boissy-Saint-Léger, Val-de-Marne, southeast of Paris.