
unusual facts about Louis Néel

Spin density wave

The concept of a nesting vector is illustrated in the Figure for the famous case of Cr, which transitions from a paramagnetic to SDW state at a Néel temperature of 311 K. Cr is a body-centered cubic metal whose Fermi surface features many parallel boundaries between electron pockets centered at \Gamma and hole pockets at H. These large parallel regions can be spanned by the nesting wavevector q shown in red.

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz

Maier-Leibnitz was instrumental, along with Louis Néel, in bringing about the German-French project to construct a high-flux neutron source and found the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble in 1967, named in honor of the physicist Max von Laue and Paul Langevin.

see also