
unusual facts about Louis Philippe

Auguste de Beauharnais

But in the election by the Belgian National Congress, Auguste came in second after the younger son of the King of the French, Prince Louis, Duke of Nemours, though ahead of the Habsburg candidate, Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen.

Avery's Trace

Many notable people traveled along the Trace, among them Andrew Jackson, Judge John McNairy, Governor William Blount, Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans (who later became King of France), Bishop Francis Asbury, French botanist André Michaux, Tennessee Governor Archibald Roane, Thomas "Big Foot" Spencer, and others.

Château du Raincy

During his reign, known as the July Monarchy (1830–1848), King Louis Philippe used the grounds for hunting, while his retinue would stay at the Maisons Russes.

Étienne Pivert de Senancour

Thiers and Villemain successively obtained for Senancour from Louis Philippe pensions which enabled him to pass his last days in comfort.

French nobility

Between 1830 and 1848 Louis Philippe, King of the French retained the House of Peers established by the Bourbons under the Restoration (although he made the peerage non-hereditary) and granted hereditary titles (but without "nobility").

Jules Itier

In December 1843, Itier was sent to accompany Théodore de Lagrené on his journey to China, where he been dispatched by Louis Philippe to conclude a commercial treaty.

Louis Antoine, Duke of Angoulême

In July 1830, in what became known as the July Revolution, masses of angry demonstrators demanded the abdication of Charles and of his descendants, in favour of his cousin Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans, and sent a delegation to the Tuileries Palace to force his compliance.

Louis Hersent

In 1831 Hersent made his last appearance at the Salon with portraits of Louis Philippe, Marie Amélie and the duke of Montpensier; that of the king though good, is not equal to the portrait of Spontini (Berlin), which is probably Hersent's chef-d'œuvre.

Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily

During the Orléans’ time in France prior to Louis-Philippe's coronation, the family lived in the Palais-Royal which had been the home of Louis Philippe's father, the previous Duke of Orléans.

Marquis de Champcenetz

He was the personal enemy of Louis Philippe, who nevertheless enabled him to escape the guillotine on the request of Grace Elliott.

Prince August of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

In Saint-Cloud on 20 April 1843 August married Princess Clémentine of Orléans, daughter of Louis Philippe, King of the French.

In Saint-Cloud on 20 April 1843 August married Princess Clémentine of Orléans, daughter of Louis Philippe, King of the French, and of his wife, Princess Maria Amalia of the Two Sicilies.

see also

Adolphe Thiers

Nor is this eminence merely due to his great opportunity in 1870; for Guizot might under Louis Philippe have almost made himself a French Robert Walpole, at least a French Palmerston, and Lamartine's opportunities after 1848 were, for a man of political genius, unlimited.


Before 1840, the area of the current Akaroa village was also known as Wangaloa, and the subsequent French settlement was known as Port Louis-Philippe, named after the French king of the time.

Alexandre Louis Philippe Marie Berthier, 4th Prince of Wagram

Alexandre Louis Philippe Marie Berthier (July 20, 1883, Paris - May 30, 1918, Barenton-sur-Serre; 4th Prince de Wagram) was the son of Bertha Clara von Rothschild of the German branch of the prominent Rothschild family and Louis Philippe Marie Alexandre Berthier, 3rd Prince de Wagram (1836–1911).

Auguste Ottin

Ottin was responsible for the assembly in 1834 of the vast surtout de table of hunting vignettes, commissioned for the Tuileries Garden by Louis-Philippe's heir, Ferdinand-Philippe, duc d'Orléans, and entrusted to the supervision of Claude-Aimé Chenavard, who gave much of the sculptural work to Antoine-Louis Barye, the celebrated animalier.

Charles César de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg

In 1831, at the consistory that elected Pope Gregory XVI, the marquis had the honour of informing the assembled cardinals that Louis-Philippe would waive his right of veto, with the assurance that only a wise and virtuous pontiff could be elected by such a wise and virtuous assembly.

François Joseph Bosio

Though under Louis-Philippe he was stripped of his titles, he continued to receive official commissions, as the ablest portrait sculptor in Paris, and created the statue of Napoleon for the Column of the Grande Armée in 1840 under Napoleon III.

Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale

The French government commissioned the symphony for the celebrations marking the tenth anniversary of the July Revolution which had brought Louis-Philippe to power, for which it was erecting the July Column in the Place de la Bastille.

House of Bourbon-Montpensier

# Louis Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, duc d'Orléans, duc de Montpensier (Philippe Égalité) (1747-1793) - son of Louis Philippe I

Jean Maximilien Lamarque

After the Revolution of 1830, he was given command of military forces in order to suppress Legitimist risings against the new July Monarchy of Louis-Philippe.

Louis-Philippe invested him with Légion d'honneur on 21 August.

Jean-Guillaume, baron Hyde de Neuville

Under Louis Philippe, he lived quietly upon his estate of l'Étang, near Sancerre, but in 1837 he took an active part in the discussion of a new treaty of commerce with the United States, and caused several pamphlets to be printed on the subject.

Joinville Island

Joinville Island was discovered and charted roughly during 1838 by a French expedition commanded by Captain Jules Dumont d'Urville, who named it for Prince François, Prince of Joinville (1818–1900), the third son of Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orléans.

Joseph Francis Olliffe

In 1846, Louis-Philippe appointed Olliffe a knight of the Legion of Honour, and he was promoted to the rank of Officer in 1855 by Napoleon III.

June Rebellion

The rebellion originated in an attempt of the republicans to reverse the establishment in 1830 of the July Monarchy of Louis-Philippe, shortly after the death of the king's powerful supporter, President of the Council, Casimir Pierre Périer, on May 16, 1832.

Lifestyle Stores

Lifestyle Stores products of domestic and international brands such as Louis Philippe, Pepe, Arrow, BIBA, Gini & Jony, Carbon, Corelle, Magppie Nike, Reebok, LEGO, and Mattel.

Louis Philippe I

Most French monarchists regard the descendants of Louis Philippe's grandson, who hold the title Count of Paris, as the rightful pretenders to the French throne; others, the Legitimists, consider Don Luis-Alfonso de Borbón, Duke of Anjou (to his supporters, "Louis XX") to be the rightful heir.

Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans

Louis Philippe was hardly fifteen when he and his young cousin Princess Henriette of France (1727–1752), the second daughter of King Louis XV and Queen Marie Leszczyńska, fell in love.

Louis Philippe had wanted his son to have a prestigious marriage with the Polish princess Maria Kunigunde, the youngest daughter of Augustus III of Poland and Maria Josepha, Archduchess of Austria.

Louis Philippe Plateau

This application of the name, recommended by the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee in 1948, commemorates Captain Jules Dumont d'Urville's 1838 exploration of the Trinity Peninsula area, which he had named "Terre Louis Philippe," after Louis Philippe I, the King of France at the time.

Philippe d'Orléans

Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans (1747-1793), great grandson of Philippe II and father of Louis Philippe of France

Prince Philippe, Count of Paris (1838-1894), grandson and heir-apparent to the throne of Louis Philippe of France

Prince Louis, Duke of Nemours

The occasion of his marriage in 1840 with Victoria was marked by a check to Louis-Philippe's government in the form of a refusal to bestow the marriage dowry proposed by Adolphe Thiers in the Chamber of Deputies.

Rite of Memphis-Misraim

With the overthrow of Louis-Philippe in 1848, the Order was revived on March 5, with its most prominent member being Louis Blanc, a socialist member of the provisional government with responsibility for the National Workshops.

Salvador María del Carril

Rosas' grasp on power began to slip after the 1838 blockade imposed by France following the death of a French journalist in Buenos Aires, and del Carril was named Supply Commissioner to the French Navy fleet stationed in the Río de la Plata.

Shoppers Stop

Shoppers Stop retails products of domestic and international brands such as Louis Philippe, Pepe, Arrow, BIBA, Gini & Jony, Carbon, Corelle, Magppie, Nike, Reebok, LEGO, and Mattel.