Tipperary won their championship group game against Cork by 3-8 to 1-10 in Templemore with two goals from Emily Hayden and a third from Louise Young.
Neil Young | Brigham Young University | The Young and the Restless | Ernst & Young | Brigham Young | Young Vic | BSC Young Boys | Young & Rubicam | Steve Young | Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma | Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young | Young Pioneers | Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll | Louise | Loretta Young | Lester Young | Cy Young Award | Will Young | The Young Ones | The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles | Robert Young | Louise Slaughter | Burt Young | Young-adult fiction | young-adult fiction | Young | Tina Louise | The Young Ones (TV series) | Paul Young | Louise Simonson |