
15 unusual facts about Louisiana Purchase Exposition

Ben Viljoen

He left for the United States in 1904 along with General Piet Cronjé (of Battle of Paardeberg fame) to take part in the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, Missouri) and the so-called "Boer War Circus" — portrayals of scenes from the Boer War.

Bend, Texas

At the 1904 World's Fair, Jumbo Hollis pecans won the bronze medal for being the largest displayed.

Clark Voorhees

He was awarded a bronze medal at the 1904 St. Louis Exposition and in 1905 received one of the National Academy’s three Hallgarten Prizes, honoring the best three oil paintings produced in the United States by artists under the age of thirty-five.

Edwin Binney

The invention was awarded a gold medal at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904.

Fernando Altamirano

In 1904, Altamirano presented the book Materia Medica Mexicana: a manual of Mexican medicinal herbs for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, held in St. Louis, Missouri.

Florence MacKubin

Her life-sized portrait of Cardinal Gibbons was exhibited in 1903 in Baltimore and in 1904 at the St. Louis Exposition.

Hale's Tours of the World

The first appearance of Hale's Tours were at the 1904 St. Louis Exhibition.

I. B. Perrine

Perrine was a successful farmer and rancher who among other things received a gold medal for his fruit display at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis.

Louis B. Goodall

He became president of the Sanford National Bank from its organization in 1896, and became chairman of the Maine commission to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., in 1904.

Lunds Studentsångförening

Many trips were made abroad, most notably the one to the Saint Louis World's Fair in 1904.

Menfro, Missouri

Menfro began as a stop on the St. Louis, Memphis & South Eastern Railroad, which began construction on 22 September 1902, with the intention of linking Perry County with St. Louis in time for the 1904 World's Fair.

Philadelphia Aquarium

This was a novel concept at the time, originating in exhibits of fisheries at the 1893 (Chicago) and 1904 (St. Louis) World’s Fairs.

Smith's Building

He acquired a number of billiard tables from the 1904 St. Louis Exposition, and installed them on the second floor of this building.

St. Louis Jain temple

The 1904 St. Louis Jain temple is a historic structure that was constructed for the 1904 St. Louis World’s fairs, termed "Louisiana Purchase Exposition".

William George Bruce

In 1893, Bruce was manager of the city's educational exhibits at the Chicago Columbian Exposition; he also was manager of Wisconsin's educational exhibits at the 1904 St. Louis Exposition, officially the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.

Burton v. United States

Earlier that year, while accompanying Roosevelt on a visit to Kansas, Burton told Roosevelt about his project to create a reproduction of Jerusalem at the time of Christ's birth for the St. Louis World's Fair.

Niels Ebbesen Hansen

Hansen was a member of the International Jury of Horticulture at the World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904 and a United States delegate to the First International Congress of Genetics in London, England in 1906.

Patrick Bernard Delany

He was awarded gold medals at the International Inventions Exhibition in London (1885), at the Pan-American Exposition (1901), and at the St. Louis Exposition (1904), the Elliott Cresson Medal twice, and the John Scott medal of the Franklin Institute.