The Time Warp parallel simulation algorithm by David Jefferson was advanced as a method to simulate asynchronous spacial interactions of fighting units in combat models on a parallel computer.
The speedup was presented as the ratio of the execution time on a uniprocessor over that on a multiprocessor, when executing the same parallel Time Warp algorithm.
algorithm | RSA (algorithm) | Secure Hash Algorithm | Schönhage–Strassen algorithm | Luhn algorithm | Earley's Algorithm | Dijkstra's algorithm | CYK algorithm | Viterbi algorithm | Prim's algorithm | Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm | Kosaraju's algorithm | Yarrow algorithm | sorting algorithm | Root-finding algorithm | Kruskal's algorithm | Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction | Digital Signature Algorithm | Cayley–Purser algorithm | Blahut–Arimoto algorithm | Bellman–Ford algorithm | Algorithm | Verhoeff algorithm | Vatti clipping algorithm | Sorting algorithm | Secure Hash Algorithm (disambiguation) | Schoof's algorithm | Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm | root-finding algorithm | Rete algorithm |